What is a Smart Contract in Blockchain and How Does it Work?

Smart contract

Smart contracts have emerged as a revolutionary concept in the world of blockchain technology. These self-executing contracts not only simplify the process of legal agreements but also ensure transparency, security, and efficiency. In this blog post, we will delve into the basics of smart contracts, how they function within the blockchain framework, and explore their numerous applications across industries.

What Is a Smart Contract

A smart contract is essentially a computer program that executes predefined actions when certain conditions are met. It operates on a decentralized network, most commonly using blockchain technology. Unlike traditional contracts that rely on intermediaries to ensure enforceability, smart contracts are self-verifying and self-enforcing.

Smart contracts are built with code logic that allows them to automate various processes without human intervention. These digital agreements aim to eliminate the need for trust between parties by relying on transparent and immutable records stored on the blockchain.

Key Features of Smart Contracts

Autonomy and Decentralization

Smart contracts operate autonomously without any central authority or middlemen involved. They run on a decentralized network of nodes that validate transactions and execute contract terms automatically.

Transparency and Immutability

All actions performed within a smart contract are recorded on the blockchain in an immutable manner. This ensures transparency as every participant can view the contract details while preventing any unauthorized modifications to the agreement.

Security and Trustworthiness

Smart contracts utilize cryptographic encryption techniques to secure data transmission and storage. The use of cryptography ensures that sensitive information remains confidential throughout the execution process.

Efficiency and Cost Savings

By automating manual processes, smart contracts significantly reduce administrative tasks such as paperwork, verification, and enforcement costs. As a result, they offer increased efficiency while saving time and resources for all involved parties.

How Does Smart Contract Work?

Smart contracts are built using programming languages specifically designed for this purpose, such as Solidity (used in Ethereum) or Chaincode (used in Hyperledger Fabric). The process of creating and executing a smart contract involves the following steps:

Contract Creation

A developer writes the code for the smart contract, specifying the terms, conditions, and actions to be executed upon fulfillment.

Deployment on the Blockchain

The smart contract is deployed onto the blockchain network, making it accessible to all participants.

Triggering Conditions

Once the contract is deployed, it awaits the occurrence of specific triggering conditions mentioned within its code.

Verification and Execution

When these predefined conditions are met, the smart contract automatically verifies and executes the specified actions without requiring any manual intervention.

Recording on the Blockchain

Every transaction and action performed by a smart contract is recorded on the blockchain, ensuring transparency and immutability.

Applications of Smart Contracts

Smart contracts have a wide range of applications across various industries. Here are some notable examples:

Supply Chain Management

Smart contracts can streamline supply chain processes by automating tasks such as tracking shipments, verifying authenticity, and facilitating payments upon successful delivery.

Real Estate Transactions

By utilizing smart contracts for real estate transactions, parties can automate property transfers, validate ownership rights, ensure secure escrow services, and facilitate seamless payment settlements.

Insurance Claims Processing

Smart contracts enable efficient insurance claims processing by automating claim validation processes based on predefined rules. This reduces bureaucracy and allows for faster claim settlements.

Intellectual Property Protection

Artists and creators can utilize smart contracts to protect their intellectual property rights through automatic royalty distribution mechanisms or proof of ownership verification.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Smart Contracts


The adoption of smart contracts offers several advantages over traditional methods of agreement execution:

Accuracy: Smart contracts eliminate the possibility of human error in interpreting and executing contract terms.

Speed: Automation reduces the overall time required for contract execution, resulting in faster transactions and settlements.

Cost Savings: By removing intermediaries and automating processes, smart contracts reduce administrative costs associated with traditional contract management.

Transparency: The decentralized nature of blockchain ensures transparency as all relevant parties have access to view and audit the contract details.

Security: Smart contracts utilize cryptographic encryption, making them highly secure against unauthorized access or tampering.


One drawback of Smart Contracts based on a blockchain system is that they cannot be modified or interfered with. Once a Smart Contract is written, if you want to make changes, the only way is to rewrite a new contract. The immutability feature is a big advantage, but in some cases, it can be a disadvantage.

For example, when a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) called “The DAO” was hacked in 2016, millions of ETH were stolen due to a flaw in their smart contract code. As their smart contract was immutable, developers couldn’t fix the code. This eventually led to a hard fork, creating Ethereum Classic and Ethereum. Additionally, smart contracts are also products of blockchain, which currently lacks legal protection. Therefore, if errors occur in smart contracts, users don’t have government protection for their rights. Furthermore, there are some opinions that centralized systems can also provide most solutions and functionalities that smart contracts offer. However, the difference lies in the fact that smart contracts run on a decentralized peer-to-peer network (P2P) instead of on a centralized server.

The Risks of Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts are simply pieces of code running on a Blockchain created by humans, they are not intelligent, they operate in the way developers write them, not in the way developers think they will work. Therefore, Smart Contracts still have risks because the code can be attacked and contain errors. There have been numerous hacking incidents in 2021, causing significant damage to many projects. You can read more about it here. Additionally, the inability to modify weaknesses is also worth noting. If you, unfortunately, make any mistakes in writing terms, such as token repayment time for funds or teams, it would mean having to rewrite from scratch.

The Applications of Smart Contracts in Crypto:

In essence, most applications provided by centralized systems can be designed and provided by Smart Contracts on the blockchain. Smart Contracts allow developers to design various use cases. For example Cryptocurrency wallets for storing Coins & Tokens, decentralized exchanges (DEX), gaming, NFTs,…


Smart contracts are transforming the way agreements are made by combining blockchain technology with automation. Their ability to self-execute predefined actions upon meeting specified conditions eliminates the need for intermediaries and introduces efficiency, security, and transparency to various industries. As the adoption of blockchain continues to grow, smart contracts will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping future business practices.

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