What is Bybit Launchpad? Detailed instructions to buy IEO on Bybit Launchpad.

At present, famous launchpad platforms such as Binance Launchpad, FTX, PolkaStarter, Kucoin Spotlight, … are very familiar to the Crypto community. However, today’s launchpad platforms promise to bring the community high-quality projects and opportunities to generate profits for investors, typically Bybit Launchpad.

Bybit Launchpad is a platform designed to help connect new crypto projects with investors interested in potential projects. With a potential launcher and abundant potential, Bybit Launchpad promises to be able to compete with rivals.

The following article will help you learn more about Bybit Launchpad and guide you to participate in IEO on Bybit Launchpad. But to make the right investment decision, you must research and analyze each project yourself. So, read this article with your thorough analysis for good profits.

What is Bybit Launchpad?

Bybit Launchpad is a token launch platform for blockchain projects. The platform provides investors early access to new and pre-listed tokens from quality projects directly on Bybit.

With the backing of Bybit – the 5th largest exchange in the Crypto market, Bybit Launchpad helps projects increase visibility throughout the other crypto ecosystem, helping Blockchain projects call for successful investment.

Founded in 2018, ByBit has built a good reputation and attracted many users. Their projects on Launchpad have been high-performance. The list of projects on Bybit Launchpad is rigorously tested during the screening process and selection criteria, so the projects on the floor are also quality assured and have good development potential.

“For Bybit, not only are we confident in our ability to weather future downturns, but we have also proven that we can use the opportunities offered in a bear market to come out even stronger.”

Ben Zhou – CEO of Bybit

Advantages of Bybit Launchpad

  • Built under the support of Bybit, projects allowed to be sold on Bybit Launchpad will be strictly censored and selected. Therefore, the projects will ensure their credibility with investors.
  • Great demand: investors tend to be more interested in IEO projects on CEX exchanges because the IEO price is often lower than the floor listing price and can be said to be a “preferential price.”
  • Projects have to go through a long and expensive process to issue tokens, so reaching investors is quite important for them. Consequently, listing tokens on a good platform like Bybit Launchpad is very important.

Review of IEO projects on Bybit Launchpad

With its many advantages, Bybit Launchpad has supported many Blockchain projects in many fields. Projects previously launched IEOs on Bybit Launchpad have all recorded good profit numbers. Some projects have impressive profit performance after 1 week on Launchpad, such as:

  • GENE: 3938% with 43,376 participants
  • KASTA: 2050 % with 77,501 participants
  • REAL: 1847% with 47,772 participants

It can be seen that the projects on Bybit Launchpad are increasing quality, bringing high profits, and attracting much attention from the community.

Conditions to buy IEO on Bybit Launchpad

To participate in an IEO, the user must ensure the following conditions:

  • Users who complete level 1 KYC or business verification requirements and users who are not from restricted countries.
  • That account must hold BIT or USDT for the specified time in Spot Account, ByFi Account & Derivatives Account before the date of sale.
  • The system will capture the BIT balance in your wallet. Capture time is 3:00 AM UTC the next day. The system only calculates your BIT and staked BIT in Launchpool.
  • Sub-accounts will be deducted from the main account, and sub-accounts will not be eligible to participate.
  • Commit BIT tokens in Spot account to buy tokens: tokens will be locked, and transactions will not be possible. You must transfer BIT to the Spot account if you are staking BIT in Launchpool or Derivatives Account or holding BIT in the ByFi account.

Steps to buy IEO on Bybit LaunchPad

Buying IEO on Bybit Launchpad is done in 4 main steps: Snapshot, Subscription, Distribution, and Launch. I will use some projects as examples at stages to make it easier for you to understand.

First Phase (1) – Snapshot Period

Let’s prepare any amount of BIT tokens before the registration period (usually 5 days on Bybit). The holding calculation time of each project is different.

During this period, the average BIT in your Spot and ByFi accounts will be recorded via hourly snapshots.

  • Registration form: minimum balance 50$ BIT
  • Lottery form: minimum balance 100 $USDT

Formula to calculate the number of BITs to be snapshotted: Average daily BIT is calculated as the sum of hourly snapshots of BITs in Spot and ByFi accounts in a day divided by 24 hours.

Suppose: On October 31st, you register on Bybit and deposit 100 BIT into your Spot account every hour. The balance snapshot will be recorded as follows:

  • 00:00 AM: 100 BIT
  • 1:00 AM: 200 BIT
  • 2:00 AM: 300 BIT
  • 11:00 PM: 2,400 BIT

The average daily BIT on October 31 will be up to 1,250 BIT based on the following calculation:

(100 BIT + 200 BIT + 300 BIT + 400 BIT + … + 2,400 BIT) / 24


  • Daily average BIT in Spot and ByFi accounts will be updated at 3:00 AM daily (UTC). However, updating the average daily BIT may take some time.
  • Your average amount of BIT must be equal to or greater than 50 (rounded to the nearest whole number) in your Spot, Bybit Earn, and Derivatives Accounts.
  • The system only counts USDT or BIT balance staked in Launchpool and Bybit Savings, not USDT or BIT staked in other products on Bybit Earn.
  • The balance in the derivative account will be added and may be affected by the P&L made…

Phase Two (2) – Subscription or Lottery

Go to Bybit Launchpad and click the “Commit Now” button to commit a BIT amount to the project during this subscription period. The average daily combined BIT balance in your Spot, Bybit Earn and Derivatives Accounts during the snapshot period will decide the maximum amount of BIT you can pledge to depend on.

Note: the BIT you have committed will be locked and cannot be used to transfer, withdraw, or trade until after receiving the project token from which you purchased the IEO.


The final amount of token allocation = (number of BITs you committed / total amount of BIT committed by all participants) × total number of new tokens allocated to the project

For example:

  • Number of BITs committed by A: 2,000 BIT
  • BITs committed by all participants: 2,000,000 BIT
  • The total amount of new hypothetical tokens “β” allocated to the project: 4,000,000 β
  • In this case, Alice’s final allocation will be (2,000 BIT / 2,000,000 BIT) × 4,000,000 β = 4000 β.

Stage Three (3) – Distribution Period

Based on the result of your token allocation, the corresponding amount of BIT will be deducted from your committed amount, and new tokens and the remaining BIT will be transferred to your Spot Account.


The number of final tokens you received = (number of BITs you committed / total number of BITs committed by all participants) * Total tokens allocated to Launchpad

Example for distributing tokens to users:

  • Amount of BIT you commit: 1,000 BIT
  • BITs committed by all participants: 1,000,000 BIT
  • The exchange rate between BIT and CBX: 1 BIT = 20 CBX (example)
  • Launchpad CBX Allocation: 3,000,000 CBX

In this case, you will get 3,000 CBX based on the following calculation:

(1,000 BIT / 1,000,000 BIT) * 3,000,000 CBX

As a result, CBX will automatically be credited to the Spot Account during the distribution period.

3,000 CBX is equivalent to 150 BIT based on the example (1 BIT = 20 CBX). 150 BIT will be deducted from your committed BIT, and the remaining 850 BIT will also be automatically credited to your Spot account during this period.

Final Stage (4) – Allocation Results

If you meet the conditions, the token you buy from IEO will usually be listed shortly after. Ban, just keep track of the time that Bybit fees are announced.

With fees as low as 0.1%, you can conduct trades on Bybit’s spot market.

Compare Bybit Launchpad with Launchpool

ProductUsers can commit a certain amount of BIT to each new project and earn new tokensUsers can stake and earn tokens for free
Token StakeBITBIT or USDT
Tokens EarnedNew TokensNew Tokens, BIT
ParticipantsIndividuals & BusinessesIndividuals
Commit tokens will be locked until after the distribution period.Unstake anytime
Distributing Earned TokensBIT will be credited back after the distribution period ends.Daily
Earnings Credited BackSpot AccountBybit Earn Account

Frequently asked questions about Bybit Launchpad

Who gets to participate in Bybit Launchpad?

Users who have completed KYC level 1 verification or business verification and are not from restricted countries.

In which accounts will BIT be counted?

The BIT in your Spot and ByFi accounts will be calculated during the snapshot period.

What is the maximum number of BITs that can be committed?

Over the snapshot period, the average daily BITs in your Spot and ByFi accounts will determine the maximum BIT you can commit to a new project.

Will the BIT I have committed be locked?

Yes, the BIT you have committed will be locked and cannot be used for transfer, withdrawal, or trading until after the distribution period.

Is it possible to commit to BIT multiple times during the subscription period?

No, users can only click the “Commit Now” button once.

Is it possible to uncommit the BIT number committed during the subscription period?

You cannot cancel the BIT you committed during the subscription period.

When can I start trading the new Spot pair on Bybit?

When it goes live on Bybit

When will the exchange rate between USDT and the new token be available?

2-4 hours before the registration period begins.

Is it possible to commit more than one USDT during the subscription period?

No, you cannot cancel USDT during the subscription period.


With an increasing number of Launchpad projects, that are BIT and CBX, it proves that Bybit Launchpad is a platform that attracts many quality projects with many IEO purchases and many investors.

Bybit has a formation history since 2018; the team has experience working at leading companies such as Morgan Stanley, Tencent, etc. Realizing the potential of IEO platforms, Ben Zhou, Co-founder and CEO of Bybit, also hopes to bring investors to projects and help projects reach more users.

While an IEO contains a lot of desirable investment potential and the ability to generate attractive returns, it also comes with risks. Therefore, you should consider using your cash flow, actively seek project information and understand the project to make the right decisions.

The article is for reference only and is not investment advice. Thank you for following the article.

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