What Is LayerZero?

During the current downtrend, participating in airdrops, testnets, experiencing potential projects without tokens, etc., might help you maintain the pace with the market. And luckily, you can change your position if you have hard work and perseverance (typically the massive airdrop of APTOS recently).

Let’s learn more about LayerZero with BTAguru in this blog and how to use it to be eligible for an airdrop if the project ever issues a token!

What Is LayerZero?

An open-source Omnichain interoperability framework called LayerZero enables seamless information sharing between blockchains. It is an interoperability protocol that makes it simpler for various blockchain networks to interact with one another by utilizing a cutting-edge method.

In simple words, LayerZero makes it simple for all supported blockchains to connect, enabling functions like swaps, transfers, borrowing, lending, and more among various blockchains.

Currently, LayerZero supports and is compatible with the following blockchains:

  • Ethereum
  • Arbitrum
  • Polygon
  • Optimism
  • Fantom
  • BNB Chain
  • Avalanche
  • Metis
  • Harmony
  • Aptos
  • Swimmer
  • Celo
  • Moonbeam
  • Dexalot
  • Intain
  • Fuse
  • DFT

But how does LayerZero work under the hood?

How Does LayerZero Work?

Middle Chain

Communication between the chains is received, authenticated, and forwarded via the intermediary chain. This technique makes the middle chain a single point by altogether granting signature authorization for all messages.

On-Chain Light Node

Light nodes receive and verify every block header for each paired chain on the opposing chain. Block headers forward and validate on-chain proofs of transactions, including messages. The safest method for passing messages between threads is this one.

Ultra Light Node

Ultra Light (ULN), lightweight node security with the cost-effectiveness of the middle chain. This is achieved by performing the same validation as an on-chain light node. Still, instead of holding all block headers sequentially, block headers are streamed on demand by decentralized oracles central.

Experience instructions on LayerZero

Join the LayerZero X Circle testnet

Step 1: Add the Goerli network to your Metamask wallet

If you do not know how to add the Goerli network, see the instructions here: https://t.me/mocboc/1714

Step 2

Step 3

  • Access to: https://usdcdemo.layerzero.network/bridge    
  • Connect the Goerli network Metamask wallet.
  • Bridge from USDC Goerli Testnet —> Avalanche Test, select TRANSFER, then confirm on the wallet and do the opposite.

Bridge from ETH mainnet -> ETH testnet and do the opposite. 

  • Next, choose Liquidity & Wraps
  • Select Bridge ETH Goerli network –> gETH network Arbitrum or Optimism.

Bridge on Pontem Network’s Liquidswap

First, to perform the above operations, everyone needs to prepare one of the three wallets that Liquidswap supports: Pontem Wallet, Petra Wallet, or Martian Wallet. Here I will prioritize using Pontem Wallet (because this is a product of Pontem Network)

To download Pontem Wallet, you can see: Here.

Step 1: Connect Metamask wallet and one of Pontem Wallet, Petra Wallet, and Martian Wallet (priority to use Pontem Wallet).

Step 2: Bridge

  • Here I will bridge USDC from the Aptos network to Polygon network USDC (the fee will be cheaper, but the time will be longer: about three days you will receive) —> choose TRANSFER.
  • Then you proceed to Bridge in reverse from Polygon —> Aptos (the fee fluctuates about 1 MATIC, it takes about 20 minutes)

Bridge on Aptos Bridge

Step 1: Access to: https://theaptosbridge.com/bridge  

Step 2: Implement a Bridge between chains

  • Choose Bridge from Polygon to Aptos (takes about 20-25 minutes, costs about 1 Matic, back from Aptos to polygon costs about 0.01 APT takes about 2-3 days)

Experience in Stargate Finance


  • Access to:  https://stargate.finance/transfer
  • Choose Bridge from this chain -> other chains (you can bridge from Polygon -> Arbitrum or other chains, the fee will be cheaper)

Add Liquidity

Vote DAO Stargate Finance

Step 1: You need to prepare some STG in your wallet (here I will buy on Uniswap Arbitrum network and 1-2$ STG)

Contract STG:

  • Arbitrum: 0x6694340fc020c5e6b96567843da2df01b2ce1eb6
  • BNB Smart Chain: 0xb0d502e938ed5f4df2e681fe6e419ff29631d62b
  • Polygon: 0x2f6f07cdcf3588944bf4c42ac74ff24bf56e7590

 Step 2: Access https://stargate.finance/stake and Stake STG 

  • To stake, you choose the amount of STG stake and the number of months to lock (1-2 $ STG and can be locked for six months, 12 months, …)

 Step 3: Join Vote DAO at https://snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth 

The previous projects have run out of voting time, so please wait for another time!

Explore more

  • In addition, here, I will buy enough to stake and lock for a certain period to have at least 25 veSTG (to have a discord role on Stargate Finance, you can refer to this method depending on each person’s finances. )
  • To stake, the steps are the same as the instructions above (depending on the number of stakes and lock time to have the corresponding number of veSTG, the Stargate Finance Role requires at least 25 veSTG)
  • Then you access Discord: https://stargate.finance/discord 
  • In the Guild Join section —> Select Join Stargate Finance —> select View Details to access the Guild link and check your Role.


Several famous funds have shown their investment in LayerZero, a platform, and Bridge with promise. It offers a method for safely reaching chains, creates a network of interconnected Blockchains to eliminate the barrier posed by distinct Chains, and makes it easy for Chains to communicate with each other.

Through the above article, BTAguru introduced you to how to experience LayerZero’s products for a chance to receive an Airdrop if the project issues a token. I hope you will participate in the experience most effectively and have luck in receiving an airdrop in the future when the project releases tokens.

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